A new range of sliced chicken and turkey products from a primary supplier of high quality meats to the Irish market is being produced using equipment supplied by Interfood Technology.

O’Brien Fine Foods is based in County Kildare, a family run business which numbers Tesco, Lidl, Musgrave, Dunnes and BWG Foods amongst the companies to which it supplies own label products. Originally trading as the Brady Family with some 18 members of staff back in 2000, the business now has over 300 employees, with the Brady Family ham brand still a household name throughout Ireland.

In 2017 O’Brien Fine Foods came together with Hogan’s Farm and Manor Farm to launch Homebird – the only Irish chicken or turkey available in cooked meat slices. The company has based its success on home-raised produce and Homebird is produced from chickens and turkeys supplied by its own farms in Ireland, with 100 percent natural ingredients in a range approved by Bord Bia (the company was the first ham producer to receive Bord Bia Quality Assurance). Also fundamental to its quality philosophy is the equipment used across the company’s two production facilities. Central to the production of Homebird, as well as to the other cooked meats in its range, are several machines from Interfood, the specialists in food processing equipment. A Maurer Atmos cooker is used in the cooking of the meat, a Schroeder machine in the injecting and lacerating, a Poly-clip clipper to form the slicing logs, Weber slicers for slicing and a Sparc metal detector in the end-of-line packing of the product – all supplied by Interfood Technology.

Paul Creighton, Engineering Manager at O’Brien Fine Foods, recognises the importance of the relationship with Interfood – “We started working with Interfood through James Wells at Interfood’s dedicated Irish office back in 2006 when we first purchased a Weber slicer. Since then we have invested in further Weber slicers, along with a wide range of other equipment. The service levels offered by Interfood are the best in the market.”


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