With a New Year upon us, it’s good time to reflect and review your marketing activities. What’s more, if your brand hasn’t tried ethnic marketing yet – it couldn’t be a better time to do it now. Only 1 in 5 brands in the UK target ethnic minorities, whilst they have a spending power of £300 billion. Whether you’re a retailer, distributor or a brand, ethnic marketing is very effective and sets you apart. At GottaBe!, an award winning multicultural marketing agency, we work with various brands from FMCG sector to help them develop effective marketing campaign that not only getting people talking but also get them to try the brands. 

Let’s take sampling as an example, a recent study shows that 73% of consumers said they were likely to buy a product after trying it. Only 25% said the same thing about seeing a television commercial.

Most people go to the grocery store with a list, or at least a good idea of what they need to buy for lunch, dinner or the weekend’s snacks. They don’t necessarily go looking for your product. However, if a real person is standing in the aisle and offers them a sample of your product, they’re more likely to stop. Once they’ve tried the item for themselves, they’re more likely to buy it – even if it’s not on their shopping list.

It can be even more effective if the promoter speaks the same language as the target audience. 

Targeting ethnic minorities doesn’t necessary have to happen at the store, we’re proud to offer our Clients more than just bi-lingual promoters. Our team can plan the entire marketing campaign aimed at specific groups of ethnic groups – in more than 45 languages, including Polish, Punjabi, Romanian, Filipino and Urdu – making interaction easy. From print, radio, social media, events, sponsorships to online.  

Every campaign we create and execute is bespoke and tailor made to our client’s needs. Our passion is to help our clients succeed – at the end of the day – it’s Your Product, Our People!. Give us a call on 02380 634283 and let’s have a chat about how we can help your product 

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