Yorkshire based ingredients experts, Eurostar Commodities has launched a new advertising campaign to support its award-winning range of Gluten Free Chapati Flours. The campaign will run across Sky TV channels and on Sunrise Radio with additional digital advertising. The campaign goes live in November 2023 and runs until January 2024.

The campaign follows the unprecedented success of Eurostar’s Gluten Free Chapati flour range in white, brown and medium brown. Sales figures have more than doubled on the same period as last year (2022 – 2023). The advert features a family cooking with gluten free flours communicating the important functional and emotional benefits that the gluten free range gives to families who are coeliac or gluten intolerant.

Jason Bull, Director, Eurostar Commodities says; “For many families the impact of not being able to eat gluten is a significant issue. We’ve heard so many wonderful stories from families where our products have enabled them to cook and eat together establishing crucial family moments and this is at the heart of the ad creative. We have wanted to take our flours to more families around the country and the significant investment that we are making will allow us to reach more people who can get back to enjoying high quality, gluten free foods.” 

Eurostar Commodities Gluten Free Chapati Flour has been developed by Eurostar’s technical development team to provide specialist flours for all kinds of baking and cooking. The products are already widely available across the UK in independent and ethnic supermarkets and wholesalers. The gluten free chapati flour can be used in a variety of recipes has been developed with enhanced texture and flexibility to produce outstanding results.