Burton-based Lorien Engineering Solutions has released the Lorien Energy Index (LEI) data for the first six months of 2012; finishing Q2 at 4.28, down 2.7% from 4.40 in Q1, with an underlying upwards trend that has seen the LEI increase by 250% over six years.

The LEI monitors the overall cost of energy for business users, and it enables companies of all sizes to make sense of their current energy use and look at ways they can make savings in the future, possibly through the use of energy efficient technologies, and making productive use of waste streams and other resources.

The underlying trend however is that over the last 12 months electricity has risen in price by 5.15% and gas has risen by 9.82%, whilst gas oil has fallen by 0.57%.

The Lorien Energy Index (LEI) was launched at the beginning of 2012 with a value of 4.40, a 250% increase since early 2006 (from a value of 1.75). The recent update sees a small drop to an average of 4.28 demonstrating little significant movement over recent months.

Derek O’Neill, Director of Lorien Engineering Solutions said, “What is worrying is that whilst we may see inflationary level increases in 2012 for energy, this is on the back of subdued world demand for oil and gas. If economic growth returns in 2013, we could see substantial price increase again in the cost of energy for businesses.”



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