Emmi is breaking new ground with a £3m marketing campaign full of industry ‘firsts’ for its market leading on-the-go cold coffee, Emmi CAFFÈ LATTE.

The ‘#MakeItAYayDay’ campaign encourages consumers to break out of their daily routines by doing something spontaneous and light-hearted, then sharing it online using the #MakeItAYayDay hashtag. This shift in the brand outlook embraces the now popularly accepted marketing maxim that happy vibes equals loyal customers and aims to drive a real-time increase in popularity, both in larger distribution points and  in smaller convenience formats across the UK.

Targeting 15-30 year olds across the summer, #MakeItAYayDay will be the first of its kind to customise Spotify, allowing users to enhance or ‘Yay’ their existing playlists, complementing them with similar or faster tempo tracks.

It’s also the first iced coffee brand to utilise Snapchat, with ads that will run amongst user generated content.

Emmi CAFFÈ LATTE’s #MakeItAYayDay campaign will encourage consumers to share their ‘Yay Day’ moments via a broad range of targeted out of home activities such as sampling at music festivals, advertising at shopping and travel locations and a dedicated social media campaign across various channels.


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