London’s Cool Chile Co is the long established leading supplier and manufacturer of Mexican foods. To reflect its evolution and the ever-growing popularity of its products within the retail sector, the Company is updating its branding to include new-look coloured packaging, logo and website.

The logo, whilst still representing the iconic Aztec snake, has been redesigned. It will maintain its strong impact to enable customers to instantly recognise the brand together with the product name. The snake still uses the original brand triangles but introduces more sections, to help communicate a stronger letter ‘C’ whilst maintaining a snake icon. The byline, “Mexican food supplies” will be removed to simplify the logo and to make brand recognition quicker and slicker.

The new premium packaging will be distinctive and high end, reflecting the quality of the products and giving them a strong visual identity so that they stand out more from other competitors. The pouch packs will be replaced with different packaging with more eye-catching points of difference. For example, each tortilla pack will have a small window so that the colour of the tortilla can be seen clearly.