The latest outputs from Project HELIX, a pan-Wales strategic initiative which provides food and drink companies with technical and commercial support, show it has had an impact of over £161 million since it launched in 2016. 

The Welsh Government and EU-funded project is delivered by Food Innovation Wales, a partnership of three food centres based in north, mid/west and south Wales. Eligible companies have access to a range of expertise to help them grow and succeed through developing innovative new products, increasing their efficiency and adopting a strategic approach to business.   

To date Project HELIX has had a hugely positive effect on the Welsh food and drink industry including:

  • £161 million impact
  • 428 jobs created and a further 1749 safeguarded
  • 257 business start-ups supported
  • 474 businesses assisted 
  • 660 new markets accessed, and
  • 1010 new products developed

Over the last twelve months, Project HELIX has helped the Welsh food and drink industry navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic by providing a range of support including mentoring companies through remote food safety audits and helping them capitalise on new consumer trends such as the growth of online retail. Furthermore, Food Innovation Wales launched support hotlines and a COVID-19 toolkit featuring a range of resources to help manufacturers protect their workforce and business during the pandemic.

Professor David Lloyd, on behalf of Food Innovation Wales, expressed his pleasure at the latest figures,

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our team of industry experts have provided comprehensive pan-Wales support for food and drink businesses of all shapes and sizes. Food and drink is a priority sector for the Welsh economy and we will continue to be at the forefront of efforts to help build a growing, innovative and sustainable industry over the coming years.”

For further information about Project HELIX funded support, visit