December 30th 2010, I was rushing around after four kids and trying to decide what was for dinner. My sister-in-law came round and wanted to cook a curry for friends on New Year’s Day. Well, being busy that day, Lynn suggested blending the spices and including cooking instructions. The curry was a resounding success and Chilli Papas was born.

What is Chilli Papas?

Blending fresh spices, Chilli Papas encourage you to cook an ‘oil free’ meal full of flavour from scratch using fresh ingredients. If you love cooking but can’t or won’t cook, Chilli Papas has devised a product that will tantalise your taste buds but is simple to cook, quick to cook and easy to eat. It’s so easy, our kids help us cook it!

How are they ‘Oil Free’:

You follow the easy cooking instructions and place all the ingredients into one pot. There is enough liquid to cook the meat or vegetables and spices so it negates the use of oil.

Health properties:

The product is suitable for Vegetarians, Vegans, is Gluten free and free from all preservatives. We are in the process of working with a nutritionist is analyse our meals and show they are a Low-Fat product.

Other info:

Each pack includes simple and easy to follow cooking instructions and a shopping list of ingredients needed. Each pack includes two sachets of freshly blended spices, each one cooks a main meal for 4 adults. There is also a very long shelf life which now reaches between 12-18 months!

Darren Mollan Founder Chillipapas – Authentic curries the ‘Oil Free’ way


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