Conveyor Systems Limited (CSL) is exhibiting a pivotal piece of sortation equipment that features activated roller belt technology. Compact with the capability to divert/sort single or small numbers in a short foot print, this versatile modular technology can effectively handle a wide range of products from CD’s, books, mail, polybags, cartons, totes and top heavy items.

CSL’s sortation system can sort bi-directionally at 30 & 90 degrees, merging and aligning items in order to increase efficiency, functionality and reduce costs. Depending on the size of product, high-speed bi-directional sort of above 100 ppm can be achieved especially on narrow widths or close pitch divert centers.
Also on display will be the latest compact column design spiral elevator/lowerator with the new “Super Grip” slat, providing a smooth continuous flow and high throughput of product (Up or Down) between different floor levels.

Other equipment featured on the stand, is a range of conveyors including the new energy efficient 24V non-contact accumulation conveyor (Zero Line Pressure/ZLP), which is ideal for transporting fragile, high value or irregular shaped products, providing smooth transfer and accumulation along with the advantage of non-contact queuing.

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