In recent years Sous-Vide cooking has become increasingly popular with chefs. New cooking methods require different temperature testing techniques. With this in mind, ETI has developed the new Sous-Vide Thermapen® thermometer for Sous-Vide cooking where precise temperature measurement is paramount. The thermometer measures temperature accurately and quickly over the range of -49.9 to 299.9 °C.

The Sous-Vide Thermapen incorporates a miniature, stainless steel needle probe that has a Ø1.1 x 60 mm reduced tip, which conveniently folds back through 180° into the side of the instrument when not in use.
Sous-Vide is French for ‘under vacuum’ and is a method of cooking food that has been sealed in airtight plastic bags then cooked in a water bath for a long time at a lower than normal temperature, typically between 60 and 140 °C. Testing the core temperature is important in Sous-Vide cooking and an accurate thermometer is a must, however the actual process of probing food in a sealed bag is somewhat demanding, as chefs need to maintain the integrity of the food at all times. However utilising the Sous-Vide Thermapen and special self-sealing foam, it is possible to probe the food without compromising the Sous-Vide bag.

The Sous-Vide Thermapen is competitively priced at £64 each (including a FREE traceable certificate of calibration) exclusive of VAT and is available direct from ordering code 231-011.

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